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First Christian Church

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

We are Disciples of Christ, a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. As part of one body of Christ, we welcome all to the Lord's Table as God has welcomed us.

Home: Welcome

We meet in person for our Worship Services as well as live stream them on Facebook.


Communion is taken by coming forward and choosing a wafer and a cup of juice from the Elder/Minister. 

If you prefer, you may choose a prepackaged wafer & juice or lidded cups with a piece of bread & a grape.


Our commitment is to love our neighbor by helping keep them as safe as possible.

You can find us on Facebook every week at FCCBellefontaine or on YouTube.

Home: Quote
Bible Lessons

Service Hours

Come Worship with Us!


9:10-10:00: Cafe Grace Praise & Worship (serves light breakfast)

10-10:30: Sunday School

10:00 Fourth Sunday Fellowship Time

10:05 Wee Worship Children's Church

(1st & 3rd Sunday of the month)

10:45-11:45: Sanctuary Worship (traditional worship service)

Home: Worship
Church Candles

Contact Us

215 E Sandusky Ave, Bellefontaine, OH 43311, USA

(937) 592-8656

  • Facebook
  • YouTube

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Disciples of Christ

The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world

First Christian Church is a welcoming community located in downtown Bellefontaine. We are part of the Disciples of Christ denomination. As part of this tradition, communion is a central part of our life together. We have weekly communion and ALL are welcome to the Lord's Table. We also value egalitarian relationships, little hierarchy, and freedom of the individual to work out their own theological beliefs.

Deonominational Resources available to learn more.


Home: About


Give using the Tithely app on your cellphone or through the online portal.

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Give using the Tithely app on your cellphone or through the online portal.

Home: Give


Give using the Tithely app on your cellphone or through the online portal.

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